<His Profile>------------------------------------
職歴:Professional Business English
Instructor 1985-Present.
1989-2014 June Select Company.
Worked as (Consulting) Director of Education/
Skill Courses & Seminars Developed and Taught:
Presentations, Active Meetings, Tele-Conferences,
Negotiation, Cross Culture, Overseas Prep,
Freshmen, Email Writing, Creative Writing,
How to Study English, TOEIC, TOEFL, Interview Skills.
1980-Present Various teaching and/or
management positions at Language Schools
(Transworld), Jr. and Sr. High Schools (Fujimura Joshi)
Universities (Seijo Gakuen, Waseda Open College),
Semon Gakkos (Kanda Gaigo), and Other (ICI-TOEIC).
1986-2014 Tokyo Consult Tank (TCT).
Ran and operated my own small educational consulting company.
Main customer was Select Company.
Worked closely with the founder of Time-Life
and TOEIC here in Japan, Yasuo Kitaoka, for over ten years.
Writer:Published more than 10 ESL and TOEIC books over the years.
Qriting a monthly column for NHK Radio Jissen Business Eigo
called Larry’s Americana (Treasure Chest USA).
The column is now in its fifth year and seems to be very popular!
2012-Present JapanTravel.com.
Regional Partner (Kanagawa, Tochigi, Fukui)
for the JapanTravel.com website.
学歴:1979 SUNY Buffalo (NY) B.A. Humanities
Created my own Special Major, which combined American Studies, International Studies, and Writing.
法人ビジネス英会話 短期集中 | 東京・横浜 | ベイサイドイングリッシュ